Hypnotherapy Business Policies
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certification # 39382047
1200 Aviation Blvd, Suite 102
Redondo Beach CA 90278
Hypnosis Self-Improvement Services Disclosure & Acknowledgement
Complementary or Alternative Services
In recognition that millions of Californians receive a substantial volume of health care services from complementary and alternative health care practitioners, California Law allows access by California residents to complementary and alternative health care practitioners who are not providing services that require medical training and credentials. The following Services Disclosure is provided in compliance with Section 2053.6 of the California Business and Professions Code.
Laur Berman is a Certified Hypnotherapist, not a state licensed physician or psychotherapist. Hypnotherapy treatment is alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state. The hypnotherapy services to be provided are not licensed by the State of California. Hypnotherapy services are covered by the laws of the Sate of California as defined in the California Business and Professions Code. Under California law, hypnotic techniques may be used by individuals not licensed to practice medicine or psychology. California Business and Professionals Code Section 2053.6 provides for hypnotherapy as a complementary or alternative service. California Business and Professions Code Sections 4996.14 and 2908, provide for persons using hypnotic techniques upon referral from a person licensed to practice medicine, dentistry, or psychology, and provide for persons using hypnotic techniques that offer avocational or vocational self-improvement. Services do not constitute the practice of medicine or psychology, do not diagnose physical or mental illness, nor should services be considered a substitute for licensed medical or psychological services or procedures.
Nature of Services Offered
Hypnotherapy services are for self-improvement, positive re-enforcement for goal achievement, motivation, and moving forward in life, it is not psychology. Services consist of a program of hypnotic conditioning including an undetermined number of private sessions, depending upon the client’s individual needs. Laur will, to the best of her ability, endeavor to accomplish the objectives of the clients sessions. While hypnosis may be an effective technique for many purposed, the effectiveness may vary from individual to individual, and no specific results of progress can be promised or guaranteed.
A hypnotherapy session begins with a discussion between the client and Laur, in which the client expresses concerns and determines desired goals. Next, hypnosis takes place with the client in a relaxed seated position. While the client is in the hypnotic state, Laur will make positive suggestions, or facilitate a kind of hypnosis, called an imagery journey, toward the goals. During the hypnosis part of a session, the client remains completely aware of everything that is going on. Many people experience a hyper-awareness where sensations may be enriched. The ability to visualize, sense, or imagine may be enhanced. Deep relaxation is common. Many describe the hypnotic state as a complete and total escape from physical tension and emotional stress. The hypnotic imagery journey may be spoken or silent, as Laur facilitates the client to discover and create new subconscious pathways. Laur may provide an audio copy of the hypnotic part of the session, as a positive reinforcement tool. This audio is for the client’s use only. Hypnotic audio should only be used when it is safe to enter a deep, sleep-like state, and never used when driving or doing any other activities that require conscious, wide-awake attention.
Laur will keep client discussions private and confidential, but the laws of the State of California provide no blanket confidentiality protection. If the client makes a request in writing, Laur will disclose to a third party. In the case of legal proceedings, the law can compel disclosure. A court can compel all therapists to testify regarding what a client discussed in therapy, for example, in a court case, when a lawyer introduces client state-of-mind. If a therapist makes and retains notes, those also can be subpoenaed as evidence. Hypnotherapists are not required by law to take notes. Laur may take notes to use during the hypnosis portion of the session but does not retain these notes about clients.
Theory of Treatment Upon Which the Services are Based
As a Kappasinian Hypnotherapist, Laur works with the methods and the mind model developed by John Kappas, PhD, of individual client suggestibility and behavior. In this theory, the subconscious is considered to be the source of many beliefs, behaviors, emotions, attitudes, and motivations; and hypnosis is believed to be a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious, and then by suggestion, creating the improvements desired by the client. A kind of hypnosis called imagery, is theorized to be a way to discover and use the client’s subconscious images in support of their goals. This method of imagery is based upon a program of Therapeutic Imagery created by Cheryl O’Neil for the American Hypnosis Association, which combines imagery with Kappasinian theory. In this theory of treatment, hypnosis cannot compel or control anyone to think or do anything in conflict with their personal ethics. The use of hypnosis could elicit memories of past events that may or may not be literally true. During hypnosis, memories or images evoked are not necessarily accurate and may be a construction or a composite of memories. For a client in hypnosis, it is possible that events will be distorted or misconstrued. Without corroborating information, it is not possible to determine whether a specific memory is true or false, even if it seems true to the client. The purpose of hypnotherapy is to create new patterns, new thoughts, and new actions in support of the client’s objectives. The focus is on the present and future, not on the past.
Qualifications Regarding the Services to be Provided
Hypnotherapy education and training is from the first nationally accredited hypnosis training college, the Hypnosis Motivation Institute founded by Dr. John Kappas, from which Laur Berman graduated with honors, as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Additional hypnosis training is ongoing from the continuing education in the field. Other qualifications regarding the services to be provided are certifications in neuro linguistic programming and therapeutic imagery. Along with her experience in private hypnotherapy practice, Laur is a member of the Healing Collective as their resident hypnotherapist.
This form provides your written Acknowledgment of Complementary or Alternative Services Disclosure, in compliance with Section 2053.6 of the California Business and Professions Code.
Client Acknowledgement
I agree to pay Laur Berman, C.Ht, a fee of $190 first time sessions, $150 followup sessions, and/or $140 per session for package sessions. I also agree to pay, in full, for your services on the date of each session.
I agree to give you a minimum 24 hours’ notice for all cancellations or changes of scheduled appointments. I understand that missing a scheduled appointment without prior cancellation, or with cancellation less than 24 hours, will be charged to me at half the current full rate.
I have received, read, and understand the information in the above two page Service Disclosure regarding hypnosis services to be provided. I agree to be added to the subscription list for additional information. I agree that this document may be conducted by electronic or digital means. Additionally, a copy or photocopy, fax, or electronic copy of this Services Discloser shall be considered as effective an as valid as the original. My signature verifies that I have received, read, and understood the above services disclosure.